Kathe Crowley Conn
Kathe’s passion for promoting a love of learning, innovation and creative problem-solving drives her work with community, business and nonprofit leaders to shape and support a shared vision for community engagement and excellence through the initiatives of WeThinkBig.
Kathe Crowley Conn is an award-winning professional known for visionary entrepreneurial leadership, creative problem solving and institutional growth, with a special interest in innovation, strategic partnerships and capacity building. Her career has spanned work with grass-roots organizational start-ups to established institutions dealing in international policy and philanthropy.
Known as an innovative and creative leader who embraces change, Kathe is a seasoned professional who works effectively with diverse partners and who is not afraid to take on challenging situations. She is also known for providing executive coaching, strategic management advising and approaches to professional development that are relevant, accessible and address key needs.
Kathe is joined by a select team of colleagues, partners and specialists to bring the best minds and resources to new projects. Read more about Our Partners…