WeThinkBig is honored to collaborate with fellow ‘big thinkers’ and applaud the important work they do.
We take a moment to spotlight just a few:

The Wisconsin Academy of Global Education and Training (WAGET)
WAGET with its Bridge & Build initiative has been a steadfast partner in building capacity and a sense of pride and purpose among youth in the State’s most deserving neighborhoods. Working with community partners like City on a Hill in Milwaukee and Beloit Memorial High School in Beloit, WAGET programs forge collaborations, create opportunities and provide exciting and accessible on-ramps to life and career success. WAGET and its partners believe the regions’ economic, cultural, and social futures are linked to transformative youth opportunities filled with pride, purpose, hope. These empowering Youth Career initiatives feature experiential, employer-validated life and workforce experiences that build knowledge, confidence and capacity in youth to seek career futures in their communities. Take a look at just a few highlights:

Wisconsin Afterschool Network & Million Girls Moonshot STEM Initiative
Empowering youth in STEM, the Million Girls Moonshot seeks to re-imagine who can engineer, who can build, who can make. It inspires and prepares the next generation of innovators by engaging millions more girls in STEM learning opportunities through afterschool and summer programs in 50 states.
Spearheaded in WI by the Wisconsin Afterschool Network, the initiative is designed to bring rich and accessible teaching resources to thousands of after- and out-of-school-time educators in every corner of our State. WTB was honored to work with State leaders to represent Wisconsin in the National Center for Women and Information Technology’s AspireIT program and support the WI leadership team with Resources, Training and Networking in Tech & Computer Sciences for Youth.

UMOJA Magazine
We have been honored to work with UMOJA Magazine to bring feature stories, profiles and good news about important people and events in Dane County’s African-American community. The monthly publication reaches thousands of readers in greater Dane County and throughout the State.
Here are just a few examples:
- The Incomparable Nathaniel Stampley (December 2022)
- Inspiring Youth to Unlock their Entrepreneurial Gifts (April 2023)
- Dr. Angie Hicks: Making the World a Better Place On Heart at a Time (February 2025)
- Uplifting the Soul through Music: Yancyy (January 2025)
- Leading the Movement with Head and Heart: Kayla Conklin (December 2024)
- In the Right Place at the Right Time: Art Price (Summer 2023)
- Alaya McMillen Has a Dream (February 2024)
[Image & content credit: UMOJA Magazine]

CareerTek Strategic Planning & Outreach
WTB was happy to provide strategic planning services and work with Hendricks CareerTek’s leadership to build on its successful legacy and create pathways for new programs and enhanced engagement with youth and the business community.
The vision paid off this fall as they unveiled a magnificent facilities expansion and announced new and expanded after-school career-prep program offerings for youth. The new space adds an Innovation Lab, state-of-the-art Construction Shop, hands-on Healthcare Lab; and supports youth and community engagement from an ever-growing network of business and community leaders.
Take a virtual tour here! https://fb.watch/oT36frSssD/